Interesting artifacts found on July 15, 2012: Delicious: Flowchart: how to retinafy your website Good recommendations for creating high-quality images for a website in a very nice flowchart.
Technologist, founder, and teacher
Interesting artifacts found on July 15, 2012: Delicious: Flowchart: how to retinafy your website Good recommendations for creating high-quality images for a website in a very nice flowchart.
Interesting artifacts found on July 14, 2012: Delicious: HTML5 Techniques for Optimizing Mobile Performance – HTML5 Rocks Fantastic article detailing some of the best ways to accomplish common mobile techniques through HTML5. Great if you are creating a mobile (web) app…
Interesting artifacts found on July 8, 2012: Delicious: Preparing Yourself for Modern JavaScript Development | CodeThinked Very good article of some Javascript programming patterns that are important and well explained. Great for someone looking to take their JS skills to the…
Whew, graduating, moving, and starting a new job all take an incredibly large amount of time! There is a ton of material that I still want to get up regarding the information overload research that I did in my last…
Interesting artifacts found on June 18, 2012: Delicious: How I Store My 1′s and 0′s: ZFS + Bargain HP Microserver = JOY | mockyblog Great description of a sensible home data storage solution, I like it.