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Joshua Posts

Daily Interests

Interesting artifacts found on August 20, 2011: Delicious: The Elusive Big Idea Our society is more concerned with data and information than ideas, and where does that get us?, Jay Parkinson’s $1500 Startup Health Business Now *this* is how I want to…

Daily Interests

Interesting artifacts found on August 18, 2011: Delicious: Extending the Functionality of WordPress Pt.2 A really good collection here, especially of the membership plugins.

Daily Interests

Interesting artifacts found on August 17, 2011: Delicious: Image galleries. jQuery slideshow. jQuery Gallery …, Building custom CMS applications on WordPress

Daily Interests

Interesting artifacts found on July 8, 2011: Delicious: Optimizely Open-Sources Guiders.js, a Library to Help You …