Interesting artifacts found on August 7, 2012: Delicious: Flowchart: how to retinafy your website – Thomas Fuchs Sad that we need this, but a handy reference for determining a @2x strategy for your images/content.
Technologist, founder, and teacher
Interesting artifacts found on August 7, 2012: Delicious: Flowchart: how to retinafy your website – Thomas Fuchs Sad that we need this, but a handy reference for determining a @2x strategy for your images/content.
Interesting artifacts found on March 24, 2012: Delicious: David Emery Online: Retina iPad vs The Web Using CSS techniques to deliver better graphics for Retina display devices., An Example of Photography on the Retina Display – Duncan Davidson Interesting note on how…
Interesting artifacts found on October 2, 2011: Delicious: BluCSS
Interesting artifacts found on August 20, 2011: Delicious: The Elusive Big Idea Our society is more concerned with data and information than ideas, and where does that get us?, Jay Parkinson’s $1500 Startup Health Business Now *this* is how I want to…
Interesting artifacts found on June 1, 2011: Delicious: Roots WordPress Theme | Rapidly create sites with HTML5 …, Flexible height vertical centering with CSS, beyond IE7 | 456 …, WordPress Custom Post Type Code Generator | Themergency, WordPress ” Custom Post Type UI ”…