Interesting artifacts found on June 18, 2012: Delicious: How I Store My 1′s and 0′s: ZFS + Bargain HP Microserver = JOY | mockyblog Great description of a sensible home data storage solution, I like it.
Technologist, founder, and teacher
Interesting artifacts found on June 18, 2012: Delicious: How I Store My 1′s and 0′s: ZFS + Bargain HP Microserver = JOY | mockyblog Great description of a sensible home data storage solution, I like it.
Interesting artifacts found on February 25, 2012: Delicious: » GNU Screen cheat-sheet Great cheat sheet for Linux screen commands., linux – Tips for Securing a LAMP Server – Server Fault Great resources for learning how to properly secure a LAMP stack.
Interesting artifacts found on May 4, 2011: Delicious: Howto migrate your email to google apps over the weekend … To get a copy of the program, check here: