Interesting artifacts found on July 15, 2012: Delicious: Flowchart: how to retinafy your website Good recommendations for creating high-quality images for a website in a very nice flowchart.
Technologist, founder, and teacher
Interesting artifacts found on July 15, 2012: Delicious: Flowchart: how to retinafy your website Good recommendations for creating high-quality images for a website in a very nice flowchart.
Isn’t the Internet an amazing thing, with its near flawless memory? I searched for the very first website I ever created for a client this morning, and found it on the Wayback Machine. Check it out, circa 2001 early teen web design! (Screenshots after the jump.)
I use Google Reader extensively, and star articles that I want to dive into but don’t have the time to read in the immediate. However, some articles stay on my starred list long after I’ve read them once, twice, or…